Every year, J and I have a little competition where we pick our Oscar winners and see who's right. I will admit, he's won 6 of the last 7 years. This year, we both get the feeling there won't be too much of an upset in any category but it will be fun to watch...hopefully. I have high hopes for James Franco and Anne Hatheway as hosts. I think they could do some fun things. Here's my list of picks for tonight:
Live Action Short: The Confession (wrong - God of Love)
Animated Short: The Gruffalo (wrong - The Lost Thing)
*Documentary Short: Strangers No More
*Documentary: Inside Job
*Visual Effects: Inception
*Makeup: The Wolfman
Editing: Black Swan (wrong - The Social Network)
Costume: The King's Speech (wrong - Alice in Wonderland - just a note, I wanted this to win but the Academy seems to usually go with the period piece so I took a shot)
*Song: Toy Story3 "We Belong Together"
*Score: The Social Network
*Sound Editing: Inception
*Sound Mixing: Inception
Cinematography: The Social Network (wrong - Inception)
*Art Direction:Alice in Wonderland
*Animated Feature: Toy Story 3
*Screenplay: The King's Speech
*Adapted Screenplay: The Social Network
*Foreign: In a Better World
Director: David Fincher - The Social Network (wrong - Tom Hooper for The King's Speech)
Supporting Actress: Hailee Stienfeld - True Grit (wrong - Melissa Leo)
*Supporting Actor: Christian Bale - The Fighter
*Actress: Natalie Portman - Black Swan
*Actor: Colin Firth - The King's Speech
*Picture: The King's Speech
I will admit that I'm not to well informed with my picks this year as I actually have been to very few movies this past year and haven't seen most of the nominated films. I know, I'm terrible. I promise I'll get to them eventually. But for now, bring on the red carpet.
The results are in..... It's a tie. For the first time in our betting history we ended up with the same number correct. This is unprecedented and we are unsure of how to proceed. We decided to chalk it up to the fact that this was a really lackluster year for picks. Every category seemed like it was a lock before it even got off the ground.
Memorable moments: Kirk Douglas drawing out his presentation, Randy Newman's acceptance speech, Melissa Leo's F-bomb, James Franco in drag, Billy Crystal for just showing up and showing us how it should be done, Natalie Portman for thanking those behind the scenes
Bad Things: S-l-o-w pacing, the total lack of any category being a race, the weird segues for no apparent reason, overall BORING
Overall not the worst Oscars I've watched, but I would say it is very forgettable. No one will be talking about this come Tuesday.