Wow it's been forever since I've even had 5 minutes to update this. Life has been way more than hectic lately. Between work, rehearsal and life in general, I've barely even had a minute to breathe.
I celebrated my 31st birthday last week and it was pretty good. I'm not sure how I feel about 31, but it's not like you can go back right? J bought me a new cell phone (horay for joining the rest of the world!) and I love it! How did I function without a smart phone before? Just having the calendar app has saved my butt countless times this last week. I had a great birthday though. We went out to see a band play on my actual birthday (after rehearsal) and Saturday we went to dinner with a ton of friends. Sunday, I got together with my family for a little birthday celebration and the most amazing cake made by my awesome sister, D. Thanks D! I loved my TARDIS cake and it was super yummy too! Oh, and I also won week one of my fantasy football!
I am in the full swing of rehearsals for Oliver now. Stage managing a cast of 74 people is a full time job in itself. Yes, 74 people. The orphans are all double cast in case you were wondering why there are so many as the run of the show is 3 weeks and that's a lot of time for any kid, let alone adult. It a great cast to work with and once we get the scheduling bugs worked out things should run pretty smoothly. As much as I'm enjoying it, I have to admit I'm tired and can't wait for it to be over. Plus the songs are playing on a continuous loop in my head.
Yesterday was a really tough day. J's uncle Davey was killed the day before my birthday in a really bad car accident. He was a truck driver and was killed by another driver who crossed the center line and hit him. The other driver was later discovered to be texting at the time. Such a waste. His funeral was yesterday and I didn't think it was going to be as hard as it was, but I broke down more than once. It's weird to say, but that was one of the best funerals I've ever been to. Everything about it was just so...him. From the coffin that was the same color as his truck and all chromed out to the funeral procession of motorbikes and semi trucks. His sister and daughter gave the best memorial speeches. They made us all laugh and cry. There was even a guitar solo of Stairway to Heaven. The part that really was the hardest for me was after the graveside service, my feet found their way to J's grandfathers grave. He was such an amazing man and his loss still leaves us all very raw emotionally. I was doing ok until my oldest nephew cam up beside me and put his arm through mine. We stood there in silence for a minute and then I heard him sniff and I realized we were both crying. J's dad came up behind us and put his arm around my nephew and we all just kind of crumbled into each other crying for a few minutes. When I finally had the strength to loo around, I realized that the whole family was standing there and we were all crying. We all miss him so much and losing Davey just made us all break down again. But they are a strong family and we will all get through it. J's mom and sister are amazing in situations like this. They sweep in and make sure that all the things that need to be done are completed and that everyone is taken care of. I admire their strength. I am so grateful to be a part of this family.
So there's a little update on my crazy life. It's been a week of ups and downs, but through it all, I think I've found a little more strength in myself through it all.