I got my copy of Doctor Who Series 5 the other day and I was stoked, But I have to admit that as much as I love Doctor Who, I miss my Doctor. It's so true what they say about Doctor Who. You will always love the first Doctor that you watched. For me, David Tennant will forever and always be my Doctor. I have watched episodes now featuring every Doctor I can find and while I admit that Tom Baker is a sweet ass Doctor, he will never be the same for me. Christopher Eccelston rocked as a bitter and jaded post-timewar Doctor and Matt Smith has his charm as the Doctor who is back to just enjoying life without alot of the problems from his previous incarnations, but no one will ever be David Tennant. He had charm and style and grace and poise and it didn't hurt that he is amazingly attractive! I will always love Doctor Who and am happy with the direction that Stephen Moffat is taking the series and I can't wait until next season's episode written by one of my favorite authors Neil Gaiman, but I miss my Doctor! I'll write more on the different Doctors another time but for now, I'm gonna throw in "Blink" and just get nostalgic.
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