Yesterday J and I celebrated our 8th anniversary. We also discovered a new anniversary tradition.
It started last year. We left the house for breakfast and on our way we came across an accident. An elderly gentleman on a bike had been hit by a car. We pulled over and ran out to help. I spent roughly 35 minutes kneeling in the middle if a busy road immobilizing his head while an off duty paramedic checked him over and J directed traffic. We stayed until the ambulance and police showed up and then we quietly headed on our way. (The man was ok. He had a slight shoulder injury but was coherent and has since recovered fine, although I haven't seen him on a bike since.) Needless to say, we didn't make it to breakfast, but we did a good deed.
Yesterday we left the house and went for lunch and on our way back we came across a guy whose truck had stalled in a very bad place on a very busy street and he was trying to push it uphill to get it off the road. Without even discussing it, we pulled the car over and jumped out to help. 4 other people stopped to help as well and then a truck pulled over with a tow rope and we quickly hooked him up and got him off the road.
Now J and I are the type of people who always stop to help. If we see a car on the side of the road, we pull over. We hold doors open for people. We boost cars regularly. And now we joke about our new anniversary tradition of doing at least one good deed and then fading into the background like some superhero.
Here's to many many more years of keeping this tradition alive.
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