I have a bunch of posts I've been wanting to catch up on lately but something happened today that has me ranting. I was hanging out at my local games store flipping through the latest Previews magazine and making an order when this guy came in looking for some Dungeons and Dragons stuff. The owner of the shop had just stepped out to pick up dinner so J was running the shop and began helping him out. He was looking for a specific tile set as he was starting a new campaign with a new group. He was starting them off with Fourth Edition of DnD with then intention of getting them into playing Pathfinder as he was not a fan of Forth Edition. I was just sitting quietly on the couch flipping pages in the magazine when I heard one of the most ignorant comments I've heard in a while. He said "I've noticed a demographic change since Fourth Edition came out. The last few groups I've played in have had a lot of...girls" Ok, so it doesn't seem so bad when written out but the malice in his voice when he said it was what got my back up. He was genuinely not pleased with how many female gamers there are and for some reason felt the need to blame it on the game. Here's the thing, I'm a female gamer and I don't particularly care for Forth Edition. I think it's a broken game and I know a ton of other gamers, male and female, who feel the same way. So buddy, don't hide behind the game and say what you truly mean. You don't like the fact that females have invaded your little world. I left the store very shortly after that comment before I blew my top.
I am female. I play RPG's, video games and board games. I love Sci-Fi and Fantasy. I read comics. I go to conventions. I wait in line for every Star Wars movie every time they release or re-release one. I cosplay. I follow web comic. I love Horror films. I am not alone.
It is not Fourth Edition that has brought more girls into your little world, it's a general shift in the culture of acceptance at large. Have you ever been to a convention? There are some of the most beautiful and smart women you will ever meet walking the floors. They are there because they WANT to be. Gone are the days when hot girls in costumes at conventions are there because they are paid models who have little to no interest in the subject matter. We know our stuff. There are plenty of women out there who can tell you anything from when Spiderman made his first appearance in a comic to who shot first, Han or Greedo? There are women out there who can rule's lawyer you under the table. We are smart, educated, beautiful, confident and we are here to stay.
Do you remember when the rest of the world looked down on you for being a gamer? When you got teased in the hallways for being a geek? When you got excluded from a party for being a loser? Do you remember how happy you were when you found fellow geeks who shared your loves and pains? Do you remember when you started to feel at home? Do you remember how happy you were when being a geek suddenly became not a bad thing and you could proudly display your action figures in your living room? All of these things made you happy. Why in the world would you feel the need to pass all that prejudice off on women who have the same interests as you? We female geeks have enough of a hard time talking about our interest outside of the gaming world so why should we be forced to put up with males trying to make us feel uncomfortable in what should be a safe and fun environment? The answer is we shouldn't.
I will never let a male geek make me feel uncomfortable for doing something I enjoy. You will not outplay me in a RPG. Your leering will not make me go and change out of my costume while walking the convention floor. You will not cut in front of me in line for Star Wars. You will not jack up the price on a collectible because I KNOW what it's worth. I will fiercely defend the right of any other female to enjoy whatever geeky pass time she chooses.
Don't be threatened by us. Embrace the fact that we have joined your world. There is nothing better than being able to share something you love with someone of the opposite sex. How about a candle lit dinner and a discussion on the last episode of Battlestar Galactica? Invite us to play Three Dragon Ante for the night, you just might be surprised. And for the love of all things geeky, let us play in your DnD group. We bring a different perspective to the table and can greatly enhance your gaming experience.
I am female gamer, hear me Nat 20.
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