Dear Brad Metlzer's Decoded,
You used to intrigue me with your wild theories and facts but now you just piss me off. Your episode on Da Vinci stated that Da Vinci predicted the invention of fireworks. You do realize that the Chinese invented fireworks in about the 7th Century right? You also know that Da Vinci lived in the 15th Cenury don't you? Have you ever heard of Marco Polo? You do know he brought fireworks home from China in approximately the 14th Century don't you? Please at least pretend to do a little research.
Not a History Buff, but still know more than you.
P.S. I found out the answers to those questions in less than 5 seconds on Google and I didn't even have to leave my bedroom.
Dear Fleece Sheets,
You are the best invention ever invented. You keep me toasty in winter and act as a light blanket in summer. Plus you are extra cuddly.
Not a fan of sheets, but a fan of you
Dear Cadbury Chocolate Company,
Mini Eggs are for Easter only. My childhood dictates this. Please stop messing with me and pull them from the shelves year round.
Confused by your logic.
Dear General Public,
Pajama pants are never an acceptable form of clothing outside the comfort and safety of your own home. Unless you are in the hospital. At least put on a pair of jeans. I might even forgive sweat pants. I will not forgive Pajama Jeans. The inventor of these should be strung up by their toe hairs.
Your Self Respect.
Dear Pickles,
You Rock! Never Change. That is all.
Dear TARDIS Mug,
You are the best mug ever invented. Your tall stature and square goodness hold a an incredible amount of liquid. Your lid ensures that you make me the best cup of tea every time. Please don't tell the yellow "Jesus loves you, you can run but you can't hide" mug that you are my favorite. He scares me and I think he might be capable of violence.
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